On Tue, 2019-05-07 at 21:25 +0200, Julien Nicoulaud via aur-general wrote:
In the oomd package <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/oomd/>;, I put a linux>=4.20 dependency requirement since it requires the new resource pressure metrics <https://facebookmicrosites.github.io/psi/> introduced in linux 4.20.
But as another user pointed out, some of the alternatives kernel packages declare provides=("linux=${pkgver}"), but several of the most popular do not (linux-lts, linux-dzen, linux-hardened).
What we would be correct way to handle this ? Should I just drop the version requirement (since having a kernel>=4.20 does not imply you are running this one anyway) ? Or should these packages be improved ?
You would probably want to omit the dependency entirely on top of dropping the version requirement (since linux is part of base). I assume the reason that linux-lts, and other kernel packages don't have a provides field (and why my AUR package, linux-vfio, omits this as well) is because they do not provide linux, they provide an alternate kernel (e.g. linux-lts provides linux-lts, not linux; linux-vfio provides linux-vfio, not linux). Mark