On Sun, 16 Jul 2023 at 17:30 Fabio Loli <fabio.loli@disroot.org> wrote:
Il 16/07/23 14:37, Tomaz Canabrava ha scritto:
My name is Tomaz Canabrava, Im a kde developer and mostly focus on Konsole. Other than that, I use arch Linux for the past 10 years, as my only Linux distro.
I have experience with packaging (debian, for work) but not on arch, but it’s shell and that thing I can handle :)
My sponsors are Gian and Antonio Rojas.
This is not gpg signed and I’m sorry for that, but gian and Antonio can also vouch for me as the validity of this email.
Best, Tomaz - kde ev member
Hello Tomaz
Which packages would you like to maintain on Arch?
The kde stack, together with Antonio.
Do you maintain any pkgbuild? On AUR I've seen you are listed as co-maintainer of sqlpp11 which need several fixes;
I used to work with the developer of sqlpp11, and I started to move things around, but I stopped using that library years ago. I can package the new version without problems. I do not actively maintain anything on arch, but since I’m kde upstream, I want to make kde a first class citizen on arch. also its dependecy
date-git need a couple of changes, just reported them in the comments