17 Dec
17 Dec
9:45 p.m.
Wait a moment, you're fetching a specific release, then you shouldn't suffix your package with -git [1]. Even more, you don't need git at all in this case, as there's a tarball available including a signature file. I'd recommend using xen-dev or something like that to indicate you're fetching a testing release. Just change the first instance of your source array to source=("http://bits.xensource.com/oss-xen/release/${pkgver/_/-}/xen-${pkgver/_/-}.tar.gz"{,.sig} (in one line) and regenerate sha256sums with updpkgsums. The signature is checked automatically. Moreover, the install file doesn't need to be listed in the source array. Regards, Marcel [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines#Guidelines