20 Jan
20 Jan
2:22 p.m.
Le vendredi 20 jan 2012 à 16:12:11 (+0200), Alper Kanat a écrit :
Hey There,
--- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 14:13, Jesse Juhani Jaara <jesse.jaara@gmail.com>wrote:
In the future please not use so too manu newlines.... If you do, I will confiscate your Enter keys....
I can't understand what you mean? In a mail-list, avoid to use so many newlines. Juste write some paragraphs, and not alone sentences.
-- Pazdera Corentin (Nado) Clé PGP/PGP key : http://troglodyte.be/pub/pubkey.pgp.asc