See my comments inline. On Mon, Sep 02, 2019 at 10:31:54PM +1200, Holger Jahn wrote:
Good evening,
If someone would be interested in reviewing my first contribution to Arch, disklow, then that would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
### ### maintainer: holger jahn <> ###
pkgname=disklow pkgver=1.2 pkgrel=2 epoch=
I don't think it hurts anything to keep empty elements like epoch, groups, etc. in here, but as a matter of taste I prefer to remove them as I personally find things a bit more readable.
pkgdesc='Disk space evaluation and notification for servers (think of "disk free" on steroids). Examines mounted file systems and reports the number of used/free/total blocks on screen. Sends email alert if file systems are running low on free disk space. Multiple integrated mail transport options. Quite useful when run via cron.' arch=('any') url="$pkgver-$pkgrel-any.pkg.tar.xz" license=( 'GPL' 'PerlArtistic'
You'll need to install the PerlArtistic license.
) groups=() depends=( 'perl' 'perl-filesys-df' 'perl-config-general' 'perl-mail-sendmail' 'perl-net-smtp-ssl' 'perl-authen-sasl' ) makedepends=() checkdepends=() optdepends=( 'msmtp-mta: minimalistic system sendmail command' 's-nail: minimalistic system mail command' 'cronie: for periodic disk space monitoring' ) provides=( 'disklow' )
Not necessary to specify the package itself in the provides field.
conflicts=() replaces=() backup=( 'etc/disklow.conf' ) options=() install= changelog= source=( "$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz"
This may be a small tool, but you're not really supposed to host the source code in the AUR. It should be hosted elsewhere and downloaded.
) noextract=() validpgpkeys=()
package() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" install -m0644 -Dt $pkgdir/etc disklow.conf install -m0755 -Dt $pkgdir/usr/bin/ disklow install -m0644 -Dt $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/disklow sendmail-setup.txt install -m0644 -Dt $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/ disklow.1 gzip -f $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/disklow.1 }
Mixing tabs and spaces in formatting is a pet peeve for me. Choose one and be consistent. Another nit-pick: The closing brace should be directly underneath the p in package.
MD5 is old (and, some would argue, busted). Prefer SHA1, or better, SHA256. -- Daniel Moch