appeal of Arch for people with disabilities, so I want to maintain packages that are related to a11y: * lightdm-slick-greeter - the most accessible lightdm greeter. * rhvoice - Open source speech synthesizer. (I am one of the upstream maintainers) * fenrir - A user space console screen reader written in python3 Additionally, I would like to move some packages which are popular and that I use personally to the [community] repository. * etc-update * glulxe-term * bitwarden and bitwarden-cli - eh electron I know, but it is the only cross-platform password manager which is accessible. * hunspell-ru * magic-wormhole * yadm I can also help maintain packages which are already in community: * espeakup - I am now the upstream maintainer for this project. * espeak-ng * matrix-synapse
+1, this is something that I'd also love to help/participate with. I tried to get fenrir going almost two years ago but didn't have the bandwidth to set up. If you're looking for co-maintainers for some of these, I'm happy to join! -Santiago