12 May
12 May
5:11 p.m.
On 12/05/2021 12:07, fredbezies via aur-general wrote:
I saw that packages meant for Manjaro or another archlinux based distro - not ArchLinux itself - were removed.
Garuda Linux project - https://garudalinux.org/ - put on AUR at least 7 packages for its distribution.
See https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=garuda
Are these PKGBUILDs allowed or not?
Thanks for your answer.
It depends on the kind of packages. If it's some theme or visual effects that can be used on Arch, it's probably fine. If it's a distribution-specific tool that only work on Manjaro/Garuda/etc. or have no relation to Arch, they have no place on AUR. Going over the linked packages, they all fall in the latter category. Alad