Hi all, My name is Maxime Gauduin, I'm 23 and I live in France where I work as a chemical engineer. I've been using Arch Linux for almost 2 years now, and have been thinking about applying for a TU position for a while. Recently I was contacted by Svenstaro, asking if I minded him putting my higan package in [community]. That was the trigger, and Svenstaro kindly offered to be my sponsor. I have been into computers since the age of 10, when I had my first one, at the time it was running Win98. The first time I installed a Linux distro I was 18, and the distro was Ubuntu. Not long after, I decided to try other distros, I switched to LinuxMint, which I really liked, then LMDE. However I had always wanted the bleeding edge, because I was building all my emulators, and the video codecs for my encoding needs. That is when I stumbled upon Arch Linux, somebody was praising it on a Linux Youtube show, I thought I'd give it a try. The first install was a learning experience, took me about 4h no less. Today I can have Arch installed in a matter of minutes. I realize I may not be as skilled as most current TUs, as I do not know any language and am not a developper. However I know my way around bash very well. I really enjoy writing PKGBUILDs for apps I'm using, and poking around when something does not work. I have already sent patches upstream, for the aegisub project [1], for the Pantheon DE on launchpad, and more recently for makepkg. The patch was nothing out of the ordinary, I needed sed to follow symlinks because of the way I'm maintaining my PKGBUILDs [2]. I also have a little project of mine which has been well received by the community, on my Github account [3]. These are mkinitcpio hooks which will build virtualbox, host and guest, and nvidia modules using dkms when generating the initramfs. As I'm mainly using the ck kernel, they make updating a breeze. I've been involved with the aur-general mailing list since the beginning, and have recently subscribed to the arch-general and pacman-dev. As for the forums, I've got a mere 21 posts as I've been posting only when I had problems, or helping people which had the same problem at the time, which did not happen that often. I also have several contributions to the wiki, on the Virtualbox, Nvidia, Steam pages and others. The packages I'd like to bring to [community] are mainly the newly released higan emulator (which I have declined into higan-gtk and higan-qt on the AUR) and its associated patcher beat, firewalld and python2-slip from Fedora, the Faience themes and icon theme, ffmpegsource and my mkinitcpio hooks if they are eligible. Also after some talking with Svenstaro, it seems emulators on Arch need some love: we don't have, for example, a GB emulator (apart from higan, but which is not that great for this at the moment). I have just adopted dolphin-emu-git, I'm willing to bring the stable version, if it's okay with the current maintainer, and I just adopted the vba-m package (but still haven't updated it yet). I'm also thinking of bringing the Pantheon DE to arch, which is the official DE of the newly released elementaryOS Luna beta 1. Currently using Gnome-Shell, I fell in love with Pantheon. I've created a bunch of packages on the AUR to play around with it, but being based on Gnome 3.4 while arch has 3.6 introduces a lot of incompatibilities. Still, I'd really like to overcome these and bring it to Arch users. Well, I believe that's all I have to say. Thank you all in advance for considering my application. I hope to be able to learn more among all of you. [1] http://devel.aegisub.org/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=closed&status=infoneeded&status=infoneeded_new&status=new&status=reopened&reporter=Alucryd&order=priority [2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/33575 [3] https://github.com/Alucryd/mkinitcpio-hooks -- Alucryd "In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen."