2009/1/26 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
2.- The accounts on AUR, Forums, Wiki, Bug tracker should be unique, I mean, I have differents accounts with the same login and different passwords, in differents parts of the portals,
I've no idea how this might be possible. It'd be nice, but punbb, flyspray are all separate packages...
4.- Every package's page should have links with a text like "bugs related to this package" (and the list of the bugs of this packages, to avoid to readding new bugs) and also a link "add new bug for this package" these links will call directly the bugtracker, the button about flag out of date should be considered to add a bug report? i don't like the idea, but it will be good if a new version of a package solves old bugs...
bugs.archlinux.org does not have a "Package" field for its bugs, so we'd have to search the bug titles. Something like this: [Show bugs for pitivi](http://bugs.archlinux.org/?string=pitivi&project=4) -- Abhishek