2008/8/12 <scrawler@gmail.com>:
thanks, but I don't think that will work. There are multiple makefiles with the form "make_platform" then in the build section there's "make -f make_platform" so "make -f make_$CARCH" won't work. I was thinking that it would require something like
- parse the src directory and list the makefiles - available have the user choose from a list have the - choice inserted at the right spot in the PKGBUILD.
I suppose you mean your newlisp PKGBUILD? If the 64 bit and 32 bit have separate makefiles then keeping this in build() should do: if [ "$CARCH" == "i686" ]; then make -f make_whatever else make -f make_else fi Also replace $startdir/src and $startdir/pkg with $srcdir and $pkgdir respectively. While the former will work for some time, $pkgdir is preferred as of version makepkg 3.2.0. Manual pages should also be installed to /usr/share/man instead of /usr/man. You should also use namcap (pacman -S namcap) which points out problems/missing information in PKGBUILDs. HTH, Abhishek