On a related note, I'd just like to ask why initscripts AUR packages aren't accepted. I was under the impression that while initscripts are no longer the official/supported init method for Arch, some people are still using them instead of systemd? On 09/05/2014, Felix Yan <felixonmars@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thursday, May 08, 2014 15:46:28 Thiago Barroso Perrotta wrote:
Just stumbled upon this[1] package, it is very old (last updated in 2009) and useful only when Arch used to have RC init scripts.
I'd suggest its removal.
Also, I think there are still a number of packages related to old initscripts. Do you mind if every time we find one, we request its removal here, or would this be too cumbersome?
It's fine, and thanks for helping us cleaning AUR :)
Regards, Felix Yan
-- David Phillips GPG Key 0x7BF3D17D0884BF5B Fingerprint 2426 235A 7831 AA2F 56AF 4BC0 7BF3 D17D 0884 BF5B