Hey guys, I've submitted this package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gush/ to AUR, but I have a major problem with it - namely it doesn't work after it's installed. The package builds a PHAR (PHP archive, kinda like a binary) and installs it to /usr/share/webapps/bin/gush.phar which /usr/bin/gush is symlinked to. When I run gush.phar in the ${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/bin/gush.phar, it works fine, but if I run makepkg && pacman -U *.tar.xz && gush it throws this error: http://bpaste.net/show/184744/ - it seems the phar is corrupted after uncompressing the xz archive. I have no idea if it's because of my own incompetency, a bug in makepkg, a bug in bsdtar or a bug in pacman, but it seems that is should be one of the above. Could you help me narrow the issue down or fix it please? Regards, Attila Bukor