On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Smartboy <smartboyathome@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Evangelos Foutras <foutrelis@gmail.com> wrote:
Smartboy wrote:
Problem is, I forgot to change the maintainer stuff at the top of the script, and when I try to edit it, even changing the pkgrel value doesn't work. I can't get the PKGBUILD on the site to change (I used another package's PKGBUILD to make mine). Can anyone help?

Are you sure it's not just your browser's cache showing you the older version? I'm currently seeing easy-e17 1.2.2-3.

You're right, sorry. 

Also, I am requesting the make-e17 script be removed. It does basically the same thing as my script, but hasn't worked in a year and has been flagged out of date for a while.

I can't find any packages named "make-e17". Unless another TU has deleted it already, could you post a link to the package you want removed?
It is make_e17, not make-e17, sorry. :-\


I don't mind too much, but I don't really see the use of the script. IMO it would be much better to have a script around which uses the ABS PKGBUILDs and alternatively some AUR ones which are not in [community].

I have one laying around which builds the community package, and there is one other on the forums IIRC. With a bit of work we could create a much more usefull arch e17 script. These are just some thoughts so do with it whatever you want :P
