27 Mar
27 Mar
8:53 a.m.
On 25.03.2012 01:32, Det wrote:
On 24 March 2012 13:41, Det <nimetonmaili at gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Det, I've removed the google-chrome-mini.
The maintainer doesn't seem to get the message. He re-uploaded it as "google-chrome-no-gconf", even though I already explained the user can just install "no-gconf" beforehand: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=57899
Installing no-gconf will just replace gconf with nothing (doesnt that break every normal package that needs gconf?). People might want to have gconf, but also a chrome which does not use gconf (actually, i have an emacs package that does the same thing).