I have released ruby 1.9.3_p125 into [extra]. This is a version bump (p0 -> p125) and all tests passed for me. Along with the update, I will be introducing the following new conventions as part of my ruby cleanup project. /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby is now the correct location where non-gem ruby libraries installed with pacman should go. If your package installs anything to /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby, you have to update to the new location. Site_ruby is only there for files installed specifically by the user without a package manager. A new file will be created at "/etc/gemrc" where I add --user-install as the default option for gem. This will install all gems by default to "$HOME/.gem/ruby". You will have to add the new bindir to your PATH if you decide to install gems that provide binaries. export PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin" As a result of the above change, all ruby gem packages will have to add a --no-user-install flag when running gem in the PKGBUILD. If you run sudo gem install foo, it will install to /root/.gem/ruby To install to the system-wide gems location (not recommended), you will have to either remove --user-install from /etc/gemrc or you will have to pass the --no-user-install flag when using gem as root. Cheers!