On 28/09/11 16:26, Massimiliano Torromeo wrote:
Hi. Being a sysadmin with a lot of experience on database servers I thought I would share my experience on this case.
I'm using mariadb as a MySQL replacement on a few servers using a custom package[1] that uses standard mysql paths and configurations. I've had a few inconsistencies with mysql in certain cases. MariaDB seemed to be afflicted by old bugs that were fixed on MySQL. On the other hand I never had a problem using percona-server [2], even though it took me a while to tweak the package to be a functional replacement.
Obviously the tipycal environments in which I deployed this servers do not cover all possible situations. For instance, I don't know if they play nicely with kde (amarok uses an embedded mysql server, akonadi spawns a mysql server to store its data).
[1] https://github.com/mtorromeo/archlinux-packages/tree/master/mariadb-mysql-re... [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40803
The percona-server package looks great, and I'd be interested to see it in the repos. However, may I ask why it depends on mysql-clients instead of keeping its own client utilities? Is it done for compatibility reasons?