20 Mar
20 Mar
8:49 a.m.
Hellow everyone, My brother-dcpj140w package in aur is invaded by spam. Is there a nicce TU to get rid of them. My package is at : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/brother-dcpj140w/ and the list of spammers is : TannaLDietrich peterprism ramsonroni wowcomputertech wowcomputertech hpprintercare hpprintercare Geeksquad93 Georgeson johnwalkr Thank you very much, and sorry for my approximative english. Mourad Arnout 25 rue de la Vieille Pierre 79800 Exoudun http://arad.free.fr https://github.com/marnout P.S. I have a lot of free time and i can participate by doing certain tasks for the community. For instance I can clean up in aur under the guidance of a TU.