Le Wed, 3 Feb 2010 19:55:10 +0100, Laszlo Papp <djszapi@archlinux.us> a écrit :
key management should further be integrated into yoaurt (or the like)
Yaourt is not supported officially, and it's buggy and abandoned program at this momment, and it has got a very bad design concept to parse URLs directly, so much people wouldn't like to use it ...
Yaourt is not abandonned, and he did say "and the like", which includes Bauerbill, Pakthan... Bauerbill already implements a way to trust users but the names of the users that can be trusted have to be configured manually. I used to dislike those wrappers very strongly when they didn't allow their user to verify PKGBUILDs. Now they all do, and that's their default behavior. I still don't use them because they wouldn't save me much time, the most time-consuming part of the installation of AUR packages being to check the PKGBUILDs. I might switch to bauerbill though, because although what it does is not enough, at least it allows me to trust selected users. -- catwell