Andrei Thorp wrote:
Yeah, I guess it is more work for you :)
For me, in what role? As a vim user on an Arch system, or as a maintainer of packages for vim plugins? For the 2nd I would of course not mind if other provide PKGBUILDs that install plugins so that vim-scripts-mgr picks them up.
Anyway, so what don't you like about Mr. Griffin's proposal?
His proposal is great, except that there is no running code :-) I'd love to have vim go out and check for updates to plugins, similar to how firefox/thunderbird does, or have a package manager for vim, that I as a user can run to get updates or install new plugins. However, AFAIK neither exists at the moment, and I'm not the one to write either. /M -- Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4) Jabber:|twitter: magthe