He is indeed the lead dev of kdemod (at least currently). Afaik, he's not on holiday, he just made KDEMod 4.1 or moved KDE 4.1 to KDEMod Stable (if you prefer that version) so he's prolly tired with that cuz he also had to rebuild every KDEMod3 package. He'll probably fix them shortly...or something :P On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Alessio Bolognino <themolok.ml@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu 2008-07-31 01:49, rabyte wrote:
I'd hereby like to request the orphaning of all packages uploaded by funkyou. There's two packages flagged as outdated, He doesn't respond to comments and I tried to contact him via Jabber to no avail.
Isn't funkyou a dev of kdemod? When did you try to contact him? Maybe he's on holiday :)
-- Alessio (molok) Bolognino
Please send personal email to themolok@gmail.com