On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Maxime GAUDUIN <alucryd@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Marcel Korpel <marcel.lists@gmail.com>wrote:
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:59 AM, Maxime GAUDUIN <alucryd@gmail.com> wrote:
I mostly agree with you, but I would still keep the git package because I, and I believe most people, don't want to pull 2Gb from the mercurial repo and keep them lying around. This is painfully slow and, even though 2Gb are nothing today, it is silly to waste space like this. The git repo contains only the relevant TTF files and I think it is the better choice for whom wants to download the Google web fonts.
How do others feel about this?
I totally agree with this.
Regards, Marcel
Okay, the only remaining webfonts packages in AUR are now ttf-google-webfonts-git and ttf-google-webfonts-hg.
Cheers. -- Maxime
Thank you. For those curious, I compared the disk usage of both the -git and -hg packages on my system. ttf-google-webfonts-git uses 459 MiB. ttf-google-webfonts-hg uses 2.6 GiB. To make things less ambiguous, I am going to alter the pkgdesc for my package to clarify why we have both a -git and -hg version. I CC'd the maintainer of the -git version. Jason