Jaroslav Lichtblau wrote:
Hi, I went through your packages and found out many of them have been previously created and mainained by someone else. I would like to see some of your own contributions, could you maybe point them out?
microblog-purple and linuxdcpp-plus-odc are my own contributions and the *-ubuntu package which i adopt them some time ago when somebody was deleteing orphan packages. Those are my primary contributions and i update them regulary.
I see in some of your packages the 1st line like: "# $Id: PKGBUILD,..." which comes in PKGBUILDs moved to AUR from the repos, but actually should not be there. You may remove this. I'm also not sure about the actual status of the #Maintainer/#Contributor lines. Maybe some other TU knows, if Maintainer is now allowed in AUR PKGBUILDs.
This is confusion for me, like is confusion from you also. I didn't know that Maintainer field is only for devs and TU or the Maintainer is the person who actually own it. I will wait a bit more to clarify this thing before doing any modification. That Maintainer field is there because i was using the build from extra as a starting point.
I'm wondering if you are talking about any particular projects you want to help with or start, in your last paragraph?
I was looking in pacman source tree and i've try to improve some behavior in pacman. For example when a group is in testing and extra/core also pacman asks you two times. This is my first contribution that i want to make into pacman. Also to answer in this mail for all the previous mails: Stefan and Abhishek i'll fix those issue right now. About namcap i forgot totally about that.
Cheers Jaroslav
-- Ionut