Le 03/05/2019 à 17:32, Eli Schwartz a écrit :
On 5/3/19 11:25 AM, Bruno Pagani wrote:
Yes, and he can solves that by *pinning a comment telling so*. ;) Pinning a comment telling people how to get the default expected User Experience in a non-default way, sucks.
Not “the default”. LW’s vision of default. And apparently not necessarily upstream one since all this started because an upstream dev asked for the other use case to be published.
The package maintainer thinks that the average user will dislike the resulting default default user experience, will experience crashes, will experience missing features, etc. -- and as a result the package maintainer has *flatly* refused under any and all circumstances to continue maintaining the package that he has, apparently, been maintaining to many peoples' satisfaction, for the last four years.
Apparently, he *really* thinks that that is a bad idea and an inferior mesa-git experience.
I still think that you would get a better user experience even for this case by telling the users explicitely that this depends on llvm-git. Because else, people would install mesa-git once, which will pull llvm-git as a dependency and build it for this only time, and any subsequent user update of mesa-git to get newer features might results in this sub-par experience he seems afraid of because gradually their installed llvm-git will get old if they don’t realize they need to update both. That’s why I’m against any sort of PKGBUILD imposed dep on a -git package without a pinned comment telling why. And the only way to be sure that the user will read it if they use the -git dependency, is either that this dependency is absolutely required (because e.g. it does not compile without it or does not run, in which cases listing it in depends is OK), or that they have to read this first to realize they can and maybe should swap the standard dep with the -git one. Bruno