On Thu, 18 Jan 2018 22:05:10 +0100 Thorsten Toepper <atsutane@freethoughts.de> wrote:
Whether the votes happens in the AUR web interface or on a separate private mailing list is unimportant for the real process I agree, just at the moment it's the AUR webinterface and the second point is simply not too well formulated, in it's current form this also includes the votes and therefore in case someone participated in a vote both blocks are neglected. So the "either" "or" doesn't really work here.
Yes, it is a bit ambiguous. The discussion in #archlinux-tu concluded that the voting being an the AUR was just happenstance and intent of the section was that voting not be included in point 2. With many/most of the most active TUs participating or present for that discussion, I would conclude that the general understanding of this section was followed in this case and the motions have passed.