Am Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:20:05 +0200 schrieb Dirk <>:
I see a lot of package flagged out-of-date on 02 Jun 2011, is this some sort of 'marked for deletion'?
No, it's not. Out-of-date means that there is a new version available from upstream. Unfortunately some people regularly misuse this button as their own bug tracker if a package has a bug, e.g. it can't be built anymore for some reasons. And some people think that there must come out a new version of this PKGBUILD (with an incremented $pkgrel) to have this bug fixed, so they think a package with a bug is an outdated package. This is totally wrong. Out-of-date means and only means that there's a new version available from upstream. The comments are for reporting bugs. And sometimes people flag a package as out-of-date, write a comment that there's a new version out while absolutely no new version can't be found on upstream's website.
Some of these seem to be up to date. e.g.:
battery-applet-4-xfce4 0.9.1-1 Build depends on HAL (deprecated, but available in AUR), bu no newer version is available upstream.
Unflagged it as out-of-date, since at least on the website given in the AUR I can't find a newer stable release, too. Heiko