On 11 June 2011 10:21, cantabile <cantabile.desu@gmail.com> wrote:
On 06/10/2011 05:56 PM, jwbirdsong wrote:
With a heavy heart (and mixed emotions) i request deletion of my pkg luakit-git. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=39516
W/ recent addition of luakit to community; Mason(developer) wishes we archers to use only community and/or luakit-develop-git so he is discontinue git branch for our luakit-git.
What? My copy of the luakit-git package (which is now gone from the aur >.< ) pulls from git://github.com/mason-larobina/luakit.git Your package luakit-develop-git [1] pulls from git://github.com/mason-larobina/luakit.git. So which branch is going to be discontinued? :whistle:
The two packages don't look substantially different, so why delete this one and not the other? What does [1] have that the now-defunct luakit-git didn't?
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=40084
P.S. It's possible that my copy of luakit-git was a bit old and the more recent versions pulled from a different repo, in which case please ignore this message. -- cantabile
"Jayne is a girl's name." -- River
luakit-git is IMO a better name than luakit-develop-git. Also luakit-git seems to have a bit cleaner PKGBUILD. For the reference, luakit-git can be accessed from the: http://pkgbuild.com/git/aur.git/tree/luakit-git/PKGBUILD Lukas