On Oct 27, 2011 9:57 PM, "Laurent Carlier" <lordheavym@gmail.com> wrote:
Le jeudi 27 octobre 2011 12:49:54, Christopher luna a écrit :
Please delete the package
Is doom II, which is copyrighted and Id software does not give
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33036 permission
for redistribution.
The download link is dead, so in teory is not piracy. but the package can be adopted by someone and get "fixed" with a working link.
just for the record, is not a trial/shareware version; there is not shareware version of that game.
(by mistake I send this message from a different email address too, sorry)
Done, thanks
I, suggest adding it back but with only the filename in the sources array OR a checkIfExists-readFilenameIfNot-extract procedure (in e.g. braid, vvvvvv or andyetitmoves IIRC) -- Kwpolska Sent from my phone. Sorry for top-posting. Blame Gmail.