Hey guys, I just got the email below and want to take this opportunity to point a few things out: Licenses are important. If a project has no license that DOES NOT mean you are able to redistribute it by adding a file that says "Free to use". Just because it is in the AUR doesn't mean we are in the clear. That said, I believe this email is a little silly for three reasons: a) Nothing there is stolen. It is a PKGBUILD. If it is illegal to redistribute the source, then the end user is liable (something we DON'T want). b) The original tarball no longer exists. c) I have seen no proof of copyright. Still, I do want to take this opportunity to point out that we NEED to be more careful here. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Richard Northcott <richard@enfour.co.jp> Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:03 AM Subject: Stolen material To: aaron@archlinux.org, jvinet@zeroflux.org This is stolen copyrighted material. Please remove. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/stardict-longman/ Richard Northcott Enfour,Inc. Tokyo