2009/11/24 Laszlo Papp <djszapi@archlinux.us>
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Ray Rashif wrote:
2009/11/24 Ranguvar <ranguvar@archlinux.us>
On links, you can just ln -s. For the first argument to ln, don't specify $pkgdir. This is correct for a PKGBUILD, for example:
ln -s /opt/foo/foobin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/foobin"
The link will be removed on uninstall.
Hope that helps, -- Ranguvar
Just in case the OP takes this literally (and I have reason to believe
- that is _wrong_ for a _PKGBUILD_, correct for an install scriptlet i.e foobar.install; post_install(), post_remove().
Huh... it looks the right way to create symlinks in a PKGBUILD to me.
Me too, and I saw this usage in core/extra/community repositories too.
Best Regards, Laszlo Papp
crap, read it the wrong way: ln -s $pkgdir/foo foo will evaluate $pkgdir and link there, so eg. $pkgdir/usr is not really /usr. ln -s foo $pkgdir/foo will still refer to the real location so that is fine, right?