2012/1/28 Elder Marco <eldermarco@gmail.com>:
I adopted gnome-shell-extension-noa11y[1]. I'm also the maintainer of the gnome-shell-extension-remove-accessibility-icon[2]. Those packages have the same functionality and we don't need two packages for removing the accessibility icon. I prefer the first one.
So, could you remove gnome-shell-extension-remove-accessibility-icon[2]?
[1] - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=49647 [2] - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=51523
-- Elder Marco
GNU/Linux User: #471180
"Contra o positivismo, que pára perante os fenômenos e diz: 'Há apenas fatos', eu digo: 'Ao contrário, fatos é o que não há; há apenas interpretações'. "(Nietzsche)
Hi, It doesn't seem to be the same plugin, both have different authors. Given how some of these extensions randomly end up unmaintained, I think there's value in keeping both in the AUR. If maintaining both is a burden, just drop the one you don't want and somebody will pick it up. If not, I will.