13 May
13 May
10:17 a.m.
On 5/8/23 04:34, Pellegrino Prevete wrote:
the "xiota" aur user, I never talked even once as far as I remember, and who somehow came to maintain "gnome-contact-git", defined me "a squatter who has never pushed an update to packages" in an orphan request.
I'm notifying him I have reported the issue here.
There is an A-hole in every crowd. The bigger the crowd, the more A-holes there are in it. Working with AUR, we all have to be civil toward one another. It's sad the OP resorted to an hominums instead of communicating to determine if there was even an issue to begin with. Hopefully the mods (or god-forbid bots) can get it straightened out. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.