On 14.02.2013 06:40, Federico Cinelli wrote:
For the past six months I've been working on getting more in-tune with the forums. I've recently started answering posts on the forums and working with people that request PKGBUILDs.
I found 6 bbs posts and 5 posts to the MLs all from this year. Not sure what to think about that.
My latest addition to the AUR evansi0n (used for jailbreaking iOS 6.x) was the last request I've answered from the forum. I also spend a majority of my time on the IRC channel helping with live support.
Now that I like and from a quick look you were way more active over there. Given Daniel and you talked quite a lot I'll assume you know what you're doing.
I've also began developing my own application which is an Automotive Diagnostic Tool which uses OBD2 through USB to help bring bring the automotive industry into Linux.
Is that open source and do you have a link to source and/or documentation?
You can find a list of PKGBUILDs that I maintain here: - cinelli (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=Cinelli)
Quite a lot of VCS packages there, but that's strictly not a bad thing. Some packages still don't use package().
Also, I would be interested in taking the following from the AUR into [community]: [..] - velox (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/velox/) - evasi0n (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evasi0n/)
Those don't have enough votes (yet) evasi0n's PKGBUILD also exports LD_LIBRARY_PATH in package() without any comment why you'd want to do that.