On 19 July 2013 20:40, Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov@gmail.com> wrote:
And that is what email notifications for.
They are good when someone flags our package out of date. But after that it is easy to forget about it.
I don't think that *manual* mass orphaning is a good idea. There should be an automatic way to do this.
It doesn't happen that often. A viable solution for me would be sending an automated email to trusted users about possibly inactive accounts and it would be up to TUs to decide whether the packages should be orphaned (or even deleted).
But if you think that "package was not fixed for 6 months" is a bad indicator of user inactivity what would be a good indicator then?
The problem is that out of date doesn't mean broken. On 19 July 2013 20:54, cyberdupo56 <cyberdupo56@gmail.com> wrote:
It sounds like there are two separate problems here. We need to clarify what the out-of-date marker on the AUR means. Does it mean it is out of date with upstream, or out of date with the newest viable/working version? Perhaps there should be another field added, so we can mark packages as out-of-date-but-cannot-be-upgraded-at-this-time. That way, if a package is marked out-of-date but not cannot-be-upgraded with no activity for a period of time, it should be safe to orphan after sending a warning email.
I think a flag "broken" would be more appropriate. I guess it would be better than reporting problems in comments as it's done now, because everyone would immediately know if there's some problem with a package without having to read the comments and the PKGBUILD (which everyone should do anyway). Lukas