On 16/08/2022 15:30, T.J. Townsend via aur-general wrote:
Hello. I'd like to apply to become a trusted user.
I'm the maintainer or co-maintainer for a few OpenBSD-derived packages in the AUR: openiked, rpki-client, and openbgpd. I've been involved with OpenBSD since 2014 and became a project committer there in early 2016.
In the last two years I've submitted just over 150 patches to the Arch bug tracker: https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?opened=32638&status[]= Many of these patches and bugs are switching to https and signed commits and given the limited AUR packages (3) you are involved as maintainer / co-maintaner I don't see a lot of PKGBUILDs to have a view on your
Hi T.J. First of all best of luck! packaging history.
Some community packages I'd like to co-maintain are openntpd, opensmtpd, libressl, sndio, mandoc, signify, dnscrypt-proxy, bmake, scrot, firejail, xcalib, mktorrent, parallel, ncmpcpp...
Some of these are with a sole maintainer which is great since they could be busy +1
And more (frankly, lots more) in the core/extra repos if that option opens up in the future. [..] If I'm accepted, one of my goals will be to get missing security fixes into Arch's repository shortly after their upstream release.
What stops you from opening bug report and submitting patches for those now without being a TU? If these are in core/extras your options would be the same as you have now, right? Cheers, Leonidas