On 12 Apr 2008, at 2:41 pm +0200, BaSh wrote:
2008/4/4, BaSh <bash.lnx@gmail.com>:
9wm [SNIP] w9wm Moved to unsupported
Hey, folks...FYI, I adopted these two. I'm not a TU or I would've volunteered sooner (I do want to help out, but I know non-TUs can't maintain in Community, and so I would've been glad to see one pick 'em up, but that didn't happen; oh, well). No major changes to the packages since they're pretty stable; just updated PKGBUILDs so folks wouldn't harass the old maintainer. On an unrelated note, anyone interested can find a (very preliminary) proposal for lisp packaging on the Wiki at... http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lisp_Package_Guidelines Anyone who cares one way or the other about this should obviously feel free to improve upon it; I just thought there should be one since lisp stuff in general is often sort of very loosely distributed to begin with (a cost of flexibility, I suppose), so it can be helpful for distributors to try to impose some order. Anyway. I hope this is interpreted as helpfulness and not as hubris, 'cause that's how it's all intended, I promise. Have a nice [time of day appropriate to your timezone].