On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 09:10:18PM +0200, Rob Til Freedmen wrote:
I've received a comment this morning from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/argotlunar-git/
gtmanfred wrote: 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines pacman 4.1 supporst git also, patches should be in the prepare() function'
I didn't found an updated PKGBUILD-git.proto nor an example of prepare() for patches. All I had was an example from the VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines to convert PKGBUILD to pacman4.1 standards
Alas, makepkg throws an error;
==> Retrieving sources... ==> ERROR: /src/argotlunar-git/argotlunar is not a clone of git:// github.com/mourednik/argotlunar Aborting...
What do I missing? Any advice are welcome!
it works fine here, I would also change the pkgver to something more specific than the date of the last commit, as there are probably more than one each day if a packages doesn't use tags, i have been using <number of commits>.<last short commit> pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" echo $(git rev-list --count master).$(git rev-parse --short master) } (if you use one of the fragment things for your source=() url like #branch=working or something, you need to change master to makepkg) http://ix.io/552 Also note that 5 lines in your .patch files have whitespace at the end of the lines. -- Daniel Wallace Archlinux Trusted User (gtmanfred) Georgia Institute of Technology