Op 24-03-12 03:01, Jeff Cook schreef:
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Adam King <arking@gmail.com> wrote:
Ask the current maintainer to disown it?
iirc there is a comment on there implying that the maintainer should do so. I guess I thought since he hasn't taken the hint and hasn't updated the package he's not around anymore. I can leave a specific message on the package requesting this if you want.
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 4:05 PM, rafael ff1 <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com> wrote:
2012/3/23 Heiko Baums <lists@baums-on-web.de>:
I guess mysql-gui-tools can be completely removed. As far as I know this has been renamed to MySQL Workbench by upstream.
Correct. "It is the successor to DBDesigner 4 from fabFORCE.net, and replaces the previous package of software, MySQL GUI Tools Bundle." (MySQL Workbench wikipedia)
I was actually trying to build mysql-gui-tools because mysql-workbench was not working for me (it would stick at "Fetching..."). So I think there is still some value in keeping it around. The interfaces are quite different too.
has the maintainer been contacted by mail ? if not please do so and let us know what the answer was thx -- Ike