2008/1/16, Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s@gmail.com>:
there are 2 main problems: - Maintainer tag (which is mostly fixed already) - Missing license (~70 packages) Why I can not fix this issues and continue maintain my packages? I think I can maintain it successfully.
There are no opened bugs in FlySpray. There are 2 out-of-dated packages. - kernel26-xen - proper patch for 2.6.23 kernel not found - aqbanking - which have temporary build problems
Are you afraid the same as willysilly or try to reduce disk usage and mirror traffic?
I guess willysilly's story indeed has some effect here. The other thing, I guess, is that people seem to like some kind of clearness in repositories, i.e. don't want binary repos to contain very rarely used packages. On the other hand, I see nothing wrong in providing as many binary packages as possible (obviously with good quality and maintained), but in this case it's better to have 50 TUs with 10 packages than 1 with 500 packages, IMHO. sergej already agreed to share his packages:
If anybody want to adopt my package, just mail me... I don't think creating a 100-300 orphans in Unsupported now will be much better than maintaining them in Community. :-/ So, my suggestion here is: let sergej continue his job, but try to rethink the need of some packages for Community, as it's better to adopt a more voted package & drop some less needed IMHO.
P.S.: sergej, do not top-post please. ;-) -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)