Though I am not sure I am going to have any success with this, every thing that I attempt and know to try fails. On 06/04/2010 03:46 AM, Ike Devolder wrote:
I understand your reason for doing it
and maybe be are some massochists as Philipp says because we're building on a gcc *.0
but thats the fun of arch ofcourse
2010/6/4 Nathan O.<>
I understand, and I am not trying to attack either, just wanted to clarify why I am trying the deb file to attempt to get it to work. See kamix was the previous version, kalsamix is the updated name version, so I am trying to get it to work in case something may depend on it or somebody wants it.
On 06/04/2010 03:37 AM, Ike Devolder wrote:
i'm sorry if this is somekind of attack on your effort to keep this packages up to date
it was just your message about kalsamix that triggered my concern about deb packages since i saw more of this.
2010/6/4 Nathan O.<>
First I just wanted to clear this, I would normally build from source, but if it doesn't work I will attempt at a deb package, but even that doesn't work
On 06/04/2010 03:28 AM, Ike Devolder wrote:
in some recent updates of some packages you see more and more deb's or rpms or whatever being extracted and repacked for arch
is there some aur guideline about this, i really don't like this development because why not take advantage of our bleeding edge gcc power
if the source is there, why not build from it?
in cases like opera it is understandable because it is not open source, but in some other cases like kalsamix i find it very disturbing
maybe some other comments about this ?