Hi all.

Thank you for your support Allan :-), by the way don't worry about the test the desmume packages, i test very close this package specially ;-) heh.

Not a big deal, but I prefer when there is a one to one relation
between PKGBUILD and upstream sources, when possible.
In the case of volleyball, it looks like we could have two perfectly
standard PKGBUILD, volleyball and volleyball-data.
By perfectly standard, I mean it is even possible to re-use the build
function of the prototype /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD.proto without any
modifications, which is pretty cool imo :
build() {
 cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"

 ./configure --prefix=/usr
 make || return 1
 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Hi Xavier, I thought the same when I adopt the package, in fact I have the prototype of the split in two packages, but when I was submitting I stopped, because i think in this possibility "who need volleyball-data alone?", so i have been tempted in split this package in two, but I don't know, i'd like to hear more opinions before create another package in aur who is just for use with the package volleyball.
But well I made the same suggestion for vegastrike(-svn) pkgbuilds,
about not fusioning the game and the data, and I am not sure the idea
was appreciated.
So it is really just a suggestion, so take it or leave it :)

Thanks, and trust me that i am thinking in split this package, but i am not pretty sure, yet, any opinion is good received :-).

Angel Velasquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
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