3 Mar
3 Mar
4:13 p.m.
Is there a separate repo? Do you intend to start one otherwise? I would really like to see unity accessible for Arch users.
Unity 2D is available in my [ayatana] repo[1] along with indicators. To provide x86_64 packages, I'll need a build server. Unity is a more difficult task, because it depends on a forked compiz 0.9, and I unable get it working with the upstream xorg-server. Chenxiaolong[2] works also on making Unity available for Arch Linux. His packages are mostly based on mine, but he maintain much more patched packages (including xorg-server, glib, even if not all patches are really needed), which makes his repo more risky. [1] http://ayatana.info/ [2] https://github.com/chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Arch -- György Balló