3 Jul
3 Jul
9:48 p.m.
I'm having a problem with namcap-aur-pkgs. I enter any aur package, correct to the syntax, and it fails to download it, instead going straight to cat somthing or other. This errors out and I get no further. I had a quick look at the code, and the problem seems in the last little bit. Anyway, I've got it working, see below for my code and a patch for yours. Thanks, Laurie 2009/7/3 Abhishek Dasgupta <abhidg@gmail.com>:
It's useful to run namcap on a maintainer's packages on the AUR, especially when people apply for TU. This pair of scripts fetches the package names belonging to a maintainer (it only fetches the first 100 results though) and the second runs namcap on the package list by downloading the PKGBUILDs from AUR.
-- Abhishek