Firmicus wrote:
Aaron Griffin a écrit :
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Mateusz Herych <> wrote:
But is the converse possible? Can I build x86_64 pkgs from inside Arch32 by chrooting to my arch64 partition?
It's not possible. You can't chroot to a x86_64 system, from a 32bit system.
NB: I have a 64bit environment running Arch32, with a core Arch64 installed in another partition mounted as /mnt/arch64
Um, sure you can, if your hardware runs 64bit. I *think* there are some issues with kernel modules, but if you use 'linux64' in addition to chroot, all your bases should be covered
I tried this: mount --bind /dev /mnt/arch64/dev mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/arch64/dev/pts mount --bind /dev/shm /mnt/arch64/dev/shm mount -t proc none /mnt/arch64/proc mount -t sysfs none /mnt/arch64/sys linux64 chroot /mnt/arch64
but the latter does not work: I get "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error"
Any idea? Or is it really impossible to do this as Mateusz was saying?
Thanks F
I believe it's impossible. 64bit system can run 32bit executables, but not vice versa. A 64bit root would have 64bit executables, so a 32bit system cannot run them. You probably could use Qemu for it though. If you're willing to spare the processing power and RAM needed for emulation. -- Hyperair