On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 05:49:55PM -0400, Kyle wrote:
Today I upgraded my espeak-test package in AUR from 1.46.53 to the latest 1.47.03b. However, while testing my PKGBUILD, I received a file conflict error when attempting to install the binary package using pacman -U. It seems that /usr/share/espeak-data/voices/en, which is a directory in previous versions of espeak-test as well as community/espeak, has become a voice definition file in 1.47.03b. Apparently, this causes a file conflict error to be raised by pacman during the installation attempt. For now, I have added a comment to the AUR page informing anyone using the package that they should remove the entire /usr/share/espeak-data directory prior to installing the newest espeak-test, since --force should never be used for this kind of thing, and this removal is what I needed to do to get the new package installed. The question is whether or not this was the correct action to take, or if anyone has suggestions for truly fixing the problem. I am also wondering at this point if I have found a bug in pacman that would be causing this conflict error to be raised, in spite of the fact that I have added the proper conflicts and provides fields hat should have kept such an error from occurring. Thanks very much for any help. ~Kyle http://kyle.tk/-- "Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?" Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"
Can't you just uninstall the previous version before installing the newer version? No need to manually remove anything. Allen