On Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 12:14:25PM -0400, Ido Rosen wrote:
If metalinks/some external file are the only way to do this, you would need a local source entry for the metalink / mirrors file AND a reference to each file to pull from that metalink/mirrors file in the source array
This is obviously incorrect. Please re-read your message, so that no one has to waste more breath.
It also is less KISS than just having multiple source array entries for a mirrored file, since the packager and the person reading the package now need to understand another file format to parse out where the file is coming from.
I'm not opposed to adding metalink, torrent, carrier pigeon, and sneakernet support to DLAGENTS by default
You are the one, who wants metalink, torrent, carrier pigeon, and sneakernet support to be implemented in pure Bash as part of makepkg. With numerous mirrors and sofisticated source arrays, cluttering PKGBUILD source, nobody would indeed be able to understand, what's going on in it's prepare() or build() functions. Obviously, fell free to do something like that yourself; all you need is to re-define prepare() to do whatever you want. Just don't advertise that as something, great enough to become the standard. -- My AUR packages - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=AlexanderR