2008/8/20 Ángel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
They did it Loui (i mean they announced their retirements and their packages), you have to check frequently your e-mail (i mean check it more do an effort please),
They just didn't move their packages to unsupported and now we have to do it.. so .. let's start moving things ;) (all of us should do this, you can collaborate too Loui).
Now i'm on my work, when i'll arrive to home i will start with someones.
Please if someone move any package to unsupported please send an e-mail...
Thanks everyone
I've adopted the dependencies of alexandria which were orphaned: ruby-atk ruby-gconf2 ruby-gdkpixbuf2 ruby-gettext ruby-glib2 ruby-gnome2 ruby-gtk2 ruby-libart ruby-libglade ruby-pango ruby-rcairo If anyone is interested in ruby, then I can give these to them. But otherwise these packages must stay in [community] as long as alexandria stays. As far as I've seen there are no other packages which have orphaned dependencies, but this needs to be checked properly. -- Abhishek