This starts the official discussion period for the addition of rules governing the addition of packages to [community]. As this is essentially a bylaw change, we will use that voting procedure: 5 days discussion, 7 days voting, quorum of 75% required. [proposal] * Only "popular" packages may enter the repo, as defined by 1% usage from pkgstats or 10 votes on the AUR. * Automatic exceptions to this rule are: - i18n packages - accessibility packages - drivers - dependencies of packages who satisfy the definition of popular, including makedeps and optdeps - packages that are part of a collection and are intended to be distributed together, provided a part of this collection satisfies the definition of popular * Any additions not covered by the above criteria must first be proposed on the aur-general mailing list, explaining the reason for the exemption (e.g. renamed package, new package). The agreement of three other TUs is required for the package to be accepted into [community]. Proposed additions from TUs with large numbers of "non-popular" packages are more likely to be rejected. * TUs are strongly encouraged to move packages they currently maintain from [community] if they have low usage. No enforcement will be made, although resigning TUs packages may be filtered before adoption can occur. [end proposal] Allan