whoops, gmail messed up. On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
The AUR does not fully parse PKGBUILDs because that would require a tool that can fully parse Bash without executing it, which no one has written yet (to my knowledge). [snip] The AUR also lacks true support for split packages (again, because there is no full Bash parser*), which is why the python2-pyside split package is not detected. [snip] * This is the price we pay for having all metadata trapped in a general purpose, quirky scripting language that can only be evaluated by executing arbitrary code.
Why not adapt the actual Bash parser (in C) to only read and do stuff safely? In most cases, this would be enough. In the others, we already have mess in those fields in the AUR. (my C skills are not appropriate for this) Even though $replaces could be easily taken out, just like $depends is. -- Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://kwpolska.tk> PGP: 5EAAEA16 stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense