Hi, I am currently trying to package an application for use in the aur. The problem I am having is the install() section. The only thing i need to be done is for the package to move '$srcdir/$_gitname/fathom' into '/bin/'. How would I turn that into a .tar.gz? Sorry if my question doesn't make sense, but here is my current PKGBUILD (it is not finished as I can't seem to get git to provide a version) ####### PKGBUILD STARTS HERE ####### pkgname="fathom-git" pkgrel=1 pkgver="i.dont.know.what.to.put.here" pkgdesc="Fathom - simple website analytics (Community Edition)" url="https://github.com/usefathom/fathom" license=("MIT") arch=("any") provides=("fathom") conflicts=("fathom") makedepends=("git" "go" "npm") source=("git://github.com/usefathom/fathom.git") md5sums=("SKIP") _gitname="fathom" prepare(){ mkdir -p gopath/src/github.com/usefathom ln -rTsf $_gitname gopath/src/github.com/usefathom/fathom export GOPATH="$srcdir"/gopath } build(){ export GOPATH="$srcdir"/gopath cd $srcdir/$_gitname make build } package(){ echo "I don't know what to do now" } ####### PKGBUILD ENDS HERE ###### Also, if you have any problems with other things in the PKGBUILD then please feel free to give me tips on better ways to do them. Yours sincerely, Rhys Perry