On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:37:20 +1000 Allan McRae <allan.mcrae@qimr.edu.au> wrote:
I have come to realize that the current way of keeping community64 in sync could use some improving. I realized this when looking at the pkg_diff web page [1] thinking I would build some packages. After being distracted by the internet for a few minutes... I reloaded the page and noticed that some of the packages had been uploaded. Now had I actually built those packages, it would have been a waste of time. Also, I'm never sure how much time to wait and see whether the TU who uploaded the i686 package is going to upload the x86_64 package.
Uhm... maybe the man that has uploaded these packages was I :) Simply, at this point, with Aaron's building machine and some of us which have 32/64 bit hardware, I don't understand why there are ~ 150 different packages from 32 to 64 bit community. And, of course, there are some packages that have a shit of PKGBUILD (sorry for the word, but it's true in this case) and are impossible to compile on chroot. Sometimes I fix it, other times I want that maintainer do it himself. sergej: Most of these packages are yours. Remember the discussion that we had some months ago? You wrote that you're capable to maintain a large number of packages: and I know your skill, and I'm sure that you can do this: but please, try to sync 32 and 64 community. pressh: Your e17 packages are effectively hard to maintain ( for circular dep, and others that you explain here ). Do you have a 64 hardware or you need an hand? In this case, tell us ( a solution could be found ). Last thing: we some packages maintained by devs in community or community64 out-of-date, and recompile it seems do not work because the older release. What we need to do? Last last: What about dtw? We have a lot of his packages in community out-of-dated [1], in this page [2] seems he isn't a TU, but has 3 bug opened [3]. IMHO, the best is moving all his packages back to unsupported and close bug assigned to him. [1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=dtw&SeB=m [2] http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users [3] http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?string=&project=5&search_name=&type[]=&sev[]=&pri[]=&due[]=&reported[]=&cat[]=&status[]=open&percent[]=&opened=&dev=dtw&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=&openedto=&closedfrom=&closedto=&do=index -- JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User